Welcome to London Financial Guarantees PLC.

London Financial Guarantees PLC London Financial Guarantees PLC is headquartered in the prestigious City of Stanmore, in the heart of London's financial district.
Our mission is to work collaboratively with our clients, with a singular focus on helping them achieve their economic objectives.
We are committed to building lasting, trustworthy relationships in the highly competitive world of international trade.

We are proud to offer a wide range of financial solutions, including international sureties, bank guarantees, letters of credit, stand-by letters of credit, and financing services.
These solutions are designed to help our clients minimize risk and facilitate the internationalization of their businesses. At the core of our business philosophy are trust, efficiency, and integrity, which are ingrained in every aspect of our operations.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing unparalleled service and support to our clients, and we are committed to staying at the forefront of the rapidly-evolving global financial landscape. Whether you are a small business or a multinational corporation, we have the expertise and experience to help you navigate the complex world of international trade with confidence and peace of mind.

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Bank guaratees

Bank guarantees are essential financial instruments that provide security to parties involved in international trade transactions. LFG offers a range of bank guarantees and sureties that enable businesses to obtain credit lines, import and export goods, and provide collateral for transactions with foreign countries. Our services comply with both international and national regulations set forth by the ICC.

With the help of modern fintech technologies, we can quickly process our clients' analytics and prepare the necessary documentation, eliminating the need for counter-values and streamlining the application process. Our goal is to provide our clients with a seamless and efficient experience, ensuring that they receive their guarantees in a timely manner.

Bank guarantees are an excellent tool for building trustworthy trade relationships, as they provide a level of assurance that all parties involved will fulfill their obligations. With our bank guarantees, businesses can confidently pursue their international trade objectives, knowing that we are by their side to provide support and security.

Stand-by letter of credit

Provides Standby Letters of Credit's issuance, the most popular and flexible international trade protection tool for getting credit lines, guaranteeing your commitments to suppliers and third parties, and purchasing goods and services. Your overseas operations deserve a streamlined, flexible and immediate tool to build trust and guarantee successful transactions. London Financial Guarantees PLC goes beyond the traditional relationship between financial institution and customer, so we evaluate your business and marry your projects without asking for counter value deposits. We issue Stand-by Letters of Credit in more than 150 countries. Our dedicated teams are experienced in guiding you step-by-step to ensure your financial needs are met in the shortest possible time. The standby letter of credit protects the international trade, as do the documentary credit and the bank guarantee: it is a malleable, cheap and easy to manage instrument suitable for companies that want to increase their competitiveness abroad without facing the usual risks international trade. Its use is considered a form of documentary credit, regulated by the Uniform Standards and practice of the International Chamber of Commerce. Its essence is similar to the bank guarantee.


With Letters of Credit and Documentary Collections, London Financial Guarantees PLC offers several solutions to protect buyers and sellers, both for imports and exports. We aim to ensure that trade in global commerce can take place under the best conditions. Our documentary credit products enable the purchase and sale of goods and services in an international context.We offer an extensive suite of financial products designed to meet the security needs of our customers. We help them choose the right product, prepare the documentation, and carry out the transaction correctly in an increasingly complex economic environment. Thanks to the most innovative technologies in the field and our teams' experience, we guarantee our clients fast delivery times and sure results.


At London Financial Guarantees PLC, we understand the importance of access to capital for our clients' business activities. That's why we offer customized funding solutions to meet their specific needs. Our extensive experience in major industrial and commercial development projects, M&A transactions, access to new markets, and corporate restructuring and redevelopment projects enables us to offer tailored financial solutions. We take pride in our commitment to promoting green initiatives, which have a positive impact on the environment and the community. Our state-of-the-art technology supports the creation of financial products that ensure a streamlined process and speedy delivery of funds to our clients. With LFG PLC, you can be confident that you have a reliable partner for your funding needs.


London Financial Guarantees PLC offers its clients Bank Payment Obligations, an instrument that combines the reduced complexity and speed of a bank transfer to protect documentary credit products.

Despite the high risks, most international commerce’s operations are performed via bank transfers (open account) for the easiness and facility of this payment method. Operating in an open account regime is immediate, but it does not protect importing and exporting companies from carrying out their activity safely. Bank Payment Obligations instead are an instrument that combines the reduced complexity and the speed of a bank transfer to protect the documentary credit’s products.


LFG PLC makes appropriate declarations attesting to the availability of adequate funds and financial capacity necessary to fulfill contractual obligations.In complex and important trade operations, often trade partners feel the need of being reassured on the actual capacity of the parties to proceed so that the transactions are successful. In the case of international trade more than ever: the risks exponentially increase because as participants have objective difficulties in assessing solvency and the possibility of relying on their partners due to the nature of transactions and markets.

Rating AAA

London Financial Guarantees PLC is the leading financial institution in the international financial field, which can help you to obtain financial products from top, AAA rated, banks.

The rating of a bank or institution, assigned by accredited global agencies such as Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, is crucial in assessing and establishing the ability of a company (or public entity) to pay off its debt and, to achieve all the goals set for your business, it is important to always evaluate the best options available on the market.

A triple A rating guarantees you the maximum reliability regarding the solvency of a long-term financial security. Your company deserves to have only the best services available on the market.

What we offer protects you from risks, gives you the opportunity to have the guarantees you present accepted with certainty, or to be able to obtain, subject to an evaluation by your bank, the monetization of your instruments without any difficulty. puts at your disposal a local official able to handle your request in four languages (Italian, English, French and Spanish) because being ready and efficient for your needs is essential for us.

Products issued by AAA rated banks have enormous advantages, both quantitative and qualitative, in relation to factors such as management capacity, reliability and credibility as well as the guarantee of being able to achieve the set objectives.

The know-how we have, in fact, makes a huge difference in terms of speed to access to the service you need, which is why choosing LFG PLC represents the best opportunity to achieve your goal.

- Our advisory improves the quality of terms and conditions obtained

- Our support is constant over time

- International means better efficiency and recognizable products

- Our expertise deserves your trust

An experienced team

The core strength of LFG PLG is our talented and highly-experienced team. Coming from a range of different backgrounds, we have assembled a group of professionals who have the experience to deliver the very best service to our clients. Our team has over a century of combined experience at Tier-1 financial institutions, including such global names as Barings, LCF Rothschild, ICAP, Barclays, Blackrock, JP Morgan, Lehman Brother and Morgan Stanley.